
I wish you LUCK with a capital F..!
Do you know the feeling of an absolutely happiness?

No, you don't! And I do!

But maby it's not really that... a little later I'll find out!

But this filling... It's like lightness, inspirness and easiness...

I'd better go and have a little rest!

I love this life! I love this fucking life!

(no comments, people=)))

13.04.2004 в 16:33

no i don't cos i never felt like this... my world is bitter sweet and it fucks my mind.

and i fuckin love it!

u'll never apriciate the pain until it lets u go, and u grab a piece of happiness and when u hold it makes u whole for a while. and u grin when the pain comes back... cos u know that it makes feel compassion. and life is not life without that.

toddles.. ignore this i'm drunk. :)

see ya later luv. (tries to sound british)
13.04.2004 в 17:43

I wish you LUCK with a capital F..!
Да, милая (опаньки... ну ты же drunk)))... Я с тобой согласен... Вот такая у нас жизнь. За то не скучно)

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